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What I Wish I Knew At Age 14

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 14. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 14 year old, You’re going to CRINGE at the stuff you post now in the future, but enjoy it.
Hey 14 year old, there is always sunshine after the storm.
Hey 14 year old, What I do for income
Hey 14 year old, Text, call, or just talk to them. They miss you too!
Hey 14 year old, Hey i dont know how i am depressed
Hey 14 year old, There's a brand new music player called the ipod coming out. It's going to be huge. Put every penny you can into Apple stock right now.
Hey 14 year old, Work out every day no matter what it doesn’t matter if it’s a single push-up or lifting 200 pounds just do something and keep doing it, it really helps
Hey 14 year old, I’m 11 but don’t be mean to your younger brother
Hey 14 year old, if people laugh at you because you're fat just kill them because society would be better
Hey 14 year old, Learn from your mistakes it’s okay to mess up sometimes
Hey 14 year old, Don't quit sports because gaming is now cooler - you will regret it! And also, remember to sit up straight!!!
Hey 14 year old, Being pretty or being tall or being strong is not important later. Being smart and being kind and being likable are important. Don’t worry about what you look like now: it will all change for the better.
Hey 14 year old, a bad grade is not the end of the line, it won't affect your entire future ;)
Hey 14 year old, Don't care about what others think of you!!
Hey 14 year old, Bro don't waste your time on social media start learning and exploring it helps you in future
Hey 14 year old, Go do that thing you always wanted to do, go climb that building go hang out with friends or do whatever and tell those people what you always wanted to tell them :)
Hey 14 year old, *PLEASE HELP ME* I’m halfway through high school and my main group of friends have become really different. They’ve started to gossip lots (which I end up getting roped into but I hate it) and they keep sharing all my secrets. Recently, I confided
Hey 14 year old, It's okay to be different from others . You will find those friends who accept you what ever you are .
Hey 14 year old, It's okay to feel like you don't fit in and to feel lonely, but it's just a phase. you will experience many new things in your life, just don't run away from them rather embrace them.
Hey 14 year old, Don’t use drugs or alcohol. Marijuana is also a drug; stay away from it. Using drugs and/or alcohol at a young age (i.e. up through your mid-20’s), will stunt your mental growth and ability. It will likely have adverse effects on your future success.
Hey 14 year old, Starting over is harder then starting up, so make sure to get it right the first time.
Hey 14 year old, It's okay if you're going through hell mentally right now. If you can, please reach out to someone you trust about it.
Hey 14 year old, Go get a job!!, places hire at 14, it will give you so much experience for the future as well as some extra cash to make life a little bit more fun
Hey 14 year old, When you get to high school, you will lose a lot of friends, but it’s okay. You will meet plenty of new people that you’ll soon realize are just as amazing. Also, take the time to find who you are instead of trying to fit in to the “normal “ crowd .
Hey 14 year old, you're probably going to realise that people will change and your relationship with them as well
Hey 14 year old, Build your relationships with your friends, if you don't you'll regret it
Hey 14 year old, Your fine man your fine just chill if you have a person who won’t stop bugging you and always hangs with you hang on to them their will be a time you will be alone and that’s okay alone is good at times
Hey 14 year old, Make good friends. Be nice to all. These people are with you for 1 or 2 years at most. Make sure you make nice memories even with the underdogs. Try not become introverted.
Hey 14 year old, a successful career is built upon maintaining an edge against your peers. The time to find this edge is now. Look around you for something that is difficult to learn and which people pay for and make learning it a big part of your life now.
Hey 14 year old, It's good if you're smart, and it's great if you're a genius, but know that you're not the only smart kid in existence. Chances are you haven't met enough smart people your age yet.