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What I Wish I Knew At Age 13

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 13. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 13 year old, What you post on social media now, follows you. If you would cringe at it in the future don't post it now. (please I am begging you.)
Hey 13 year old, I don't know who here needs this, but I want you to promise me that you will never kill yourself. I know, it's a big promise to make, and sometimes it may be hard to keep, but please promise me that. Someone out there will miss you; I know it.
Hey 13 year old, that shirt looks stunning on you ;)
Hey 13 year old, guess what? I'm 13 too. I know it can be tough, life seems to turn around and treat you different at this age, but y'know what? Don't listen to whatever negative thoughts cross your mind, or what anybody else says. Live life at it's fullest!
Hey 13 year old, hey, I see that special interest of yours. Some people may call it weird, stupid, ugly or other negative things like that.. but not me. I think it's really cool! Pursue your passions and stay true to yourself! <33
Hey 13 year old, I know life can be unfair and hard, but stick around. It mightn't seem like it sometimes, but life is worth living! Just try to focus on the small things and enjoy those little moments. Sometimes in life it's the little things that make you smile ❤❤❤
Hey 13 year old, I love your hair <33
Hey 13 year old, 4 years from now you'll look back and realize how small everything you worried about was. the world is bigger than you and your problems, and everything that matters now won't as much in the future.
Hey 13 year old, Take care of your teeth. If you don't, you'll end up losing your gums and your enamel, and those don’t grow back. Once they're gone, they’re gone forever.
Hey 13 year old, learn how to do a middle split! It will get harder to learn once you're older
Hey 13 year old, It's okay to not be able to help someone who's struggling. You should never feel bad because you can't. Other people's issues are not yours. You are not responsible for fixing them.
Hey 13 year old, Hang on 2 ur virginity. I know its real ♡, consuming & intense, but it wont last. U will b left confused 4 years, trying 2 use sex 2 regain that feeling of closeness u shared w/ ur 1st ♡. Better 2 wait, at least til college!
Hey 13 year old, read as many as you can.
Hey 13 year old, 13
Hey 13 year old, В англійській мові не обов'язково знати граматику, а головне вміти говорити. Навіть якщо ти не зовсім правильно складеш речення тебе і так зрозуміють
Hey 13 year old, Don't trust anyone more than you trust yourself. Think "everyone's going to betray me at some point". Its harsh I know, but trust me It hurts if you trust people blindly. Even the one you call your best friend can do something horrible to you.
Hey 13 year old, Don’t be afraid to lose people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you. Name your point of view and don’t be afraid to lose toxic people around you after confronting them.
Hey 13 year old, Learn to do -- and enjoy -- things by yourself. You're going to miss out on a lot of fun if you keep waiting for someone else to accompany you.
Hey 13 year old, Unless your parent/s or guardian/s are complete sociopaths, if you want more freedom or you want them to buy something for you, then work hard to do all your chores. Get an app for chores if you need to. Learn to do so one by one.
Hey 13 year old, LGBTQA+ topics are not just for adults to discuss. Children and teenagers can be part of the LGBTQA+ also. There's nothing inherently adult about the topic of queer people and queer culture. If you can see straight couples, why not gay couples?
Hey 13 year old, Safe adults don’t ask you to keep secrets from other adults. A safe secret feels exciting, is good news for somebody, and eventually will no longer be a secret, such as a surprise party or a secret present. Beware of secretive adults.
Hey 13 year old, When sharing your opinion on subjective topics, music, movies, food, etc. There is no need to be hostile. The music doesn't suck, you just don't like it. The pizza topping isn't horrible, you just don't like it.
Hey 13 year old, If you’re around this age listen to as much music as you can cause the music you listen to during those years will stick with you for life and the feeling of going back to those songs when you’re older is quite euphoric.
Hey 13 year old, Ask yourself "What does it matter to me?" the next time you find yourself judging someone for their clothing, or interests. The more you train yourself to not care about the personal preferences of other people, the more relaxed and nicer you become.
Hey 13 year old, There is a simplified English version of Wikipedia (, if you have trouble understanding the Wikipedia made for grown ups, which can be very confusing and also very boring many times.
Hey 13 year old, If you like animals and you're stressed, look up for live videos of animals from different places worldwide. Animals can be very healing, after all.
Hey 13 year old, I recommend you look up the advice three years ahead in this website, such as the advice for 14 year olds, 15 year olds and 16 year olds, to prepare for it in advance if you like.
Hey 13 year old, It's good if you're smart, and it's great if you're a genius, but know that you're not the only smart kid in existence. Chances are you haven't met enough smart people your age yet.
Hey 13 year old, You can judge the maturity and trustworthiness of people around you by how nice they are to service people, like those in retail, restaurant workers, call center agents, & so on, so be nice.
Hey 13 year old, It's okay to be normal. There are much worse things in the world than just being normal. It's okay to have a normal life, and that doesn't mean you have less value than those who don't.