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What I Wish I Knew At Age 13

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 13. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 13 year old, You don't have to live up to someone's expectations, do what YOU think is right and love yourself no matter what
Hey 13 year old, Write a diary. It will help you process experiences, reflect on yourself, grow - plus, it is hilarious and super interesting to read when you are older :)
Hey 13 year old, if u gotta shit while ur at school just do it and if the whole bathroom stinks and people make fun of u they’re just jealous that their shit isnt that powerful.
Hey 13 year old, Stay away from your phone and concentrate on your studies
Hey 13 year old, hey. uhhh. go for it. ask that special someone out:)
Hey 13 year old, Lookup to the love of your loved ones...and be committed to love much much much more
Hey 13 year old, 13 is so hard. You got this! I know you're uncomfortable and unsure of where you belong. Step away from the social media. Disconnect from all that pressure. Show the people close to you that you you love them. (Try to admit that you're being a brat.)
Hey 13 year old, Get a habit of sleeping early. I know you want to sleep late but trust me, your future self will thank you.
Hey 13 year old, Once it is posted on the internet, you can't remove it. Think twice about what you're doing. You can delete it, but you can't be sure someone didn't copy or download it.
Hey 13 year old, ᑎO ᗰᗩTTEᖇ ᕼOᗯ ᗰᗩᑎY TIᗰEᔕ ᑭEOᑭᒪE TEᗩᖇ YOᑌ ᗪOᗯᑎ GET ᗷᗩᑕK ᑌᑭ ᗩGᗩIᑎ
Hey 13 year old, Don’t stress it
Hey 13 year old, i know school work can be a lot. dont stress it. the easiest way to stay on top is do all minor assignments the day they are due and start the major ones at least a week ahead of time
Hey 13 year old, Weird hobbies and interests aren’t something the be ashamed of, they make you a really cool adult
Hey 13 year old, Stay out of politics, trust me it helps, with all the hard left and right snowflakes just avoid politics.
Hey 13 year old, If you self harm and you think your alone, you never are alone. Always feel free to reach out to someone. And if you relapse, whether its once or 100 times, people will always be there to help you.
Hey 13 year old, If you get the chance to get a project car, do it as soon as possible, especially if its old and simple, it will teach you good life skills and how to pay car insurance.
Hey 13 year old, be a youtuber, get popular and get ready to die
Hey 13 year old, Know that people love you, dammit! 8th grade is one year, that's it! Things will get better. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and talk to people. You have wonderful people in your life who care for you, and never forget it!
Hey 13 year old, have fun! don’t stress :)
Hey 13 year old, Hi
Hey 13 year old, Trust me, popularity doesn't matter. Keep your close friends, and stay happy and don't try to compete with the no good popular people. (They usually end up having bad jobs, and less popular people usually end up with really good jobs btw)
Hey 13 year old, it's okay to feel sad. Just because you're young doesn't mean you don't have a reason to have those feelings. P.S. look into your mental health, you may find that there is help for you!
Hey 13 year old, Dont be afraid to be you, if you act too much like someone you're not. You'll forget who you are
Hey 13 year old, Punch ur bullies and deny u did it 😁
Hey 13 year old, When I was your age, all I did was try to be popular. I was not happy. Try to find a friend group you actually enjoy being around, popularity won't matter in the future.
Hey 13 year old, Eat milk and drink cookies
Hey 13 year old, It’s ok to not be popular. You can be yourself, Shouldn’t worry about ‘fitting in’
Hey 13 year old, That moustache has to go. You need to make your mom aware of the impact it has on your social life and your confidence. It's just a first shave, you're not leaving the house just yet, but momma's boy is growing and she needs to understand that.
Hey 13 year old, Keep not caring what others think and just do what makes you happy
Hey 13 year old, if a person is being mean tell a grownup, pray to god, or fight back.