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What I Wish I Knew At Age 13

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 13. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 13 year old, Whether you're a boy or girl, your value is not defined by your own appearance. It's okay to express yourself through fashion, but remember the good parts of you that doesn't have anything to do with your appearance too.
Hey 13 year old, You are going to meet more people who are very different, but different doesn't mean wrong, and being the same doesn't mean right. Either of these can be wrong or right, but difference or similarity alone doesn't tell you anything.
Hey 13 year old, You are going to learn that the adults you've looked up to in your life are flawed and as human as you, but that doesn't mean they can't teach you anything in life. Though it's true that some adults are worth trusting more than others.
Hey 13 year old, Do not trust much older people on the internet who want to be "romantic" with you, even if they tell you "you're mature for your age." The internet is a dangerous place for 13 year olds, so beware.
Hey 13 year old, This is going to be awkward, but you are going to have to learn about how puberty works somehow from a trusted source (like a doctor on the internet), even if your parents or school is unwilling to talk about it.
Hey 13 year old, You're technically a teenager now, but just know that teenagers in movies and films aren't realistic for most teens, in a world where teenage films are usually made by middle aged adults assuming they know what teenagers today are actually like.
Hey 13 year old, Don't make fun of anyone's looks.
Hey 13 year old, How to play soccer like messi
Hey 13 year old, Just focus on your studies. You might wanna enjoy right now but you should work hard at this age
Hey 13 year old, Be Happy
Hey 13 year old, learn to play music instruments, don't be afraid of dancing, do things you wanna do not what everyone else is doing, surround yourself with people who add things to your knowledge... aim for the long run not popular stuff.
Hey 13 year old, Dig yourself
Hey 13 year old, I want to be as IAS
Hey 13 year old, Don't pressurize yourself for study. As long as you are getting more than passing marks it's always okay. And give yourself freedom of thinking what you wanna do in future.. its the right time for you to make a solid base for your career.
Hey 13 year old, First of all don't get into a relationship until you are financially independent it may sound absurd to you now.. but money matters whether you are a girl or a boy.
Hey 13 year old, hi
Hey 13 year old, What is the choices of our study's
Hey 13 year old, Want to build passive income
Hey 13 year old, Never ever overconfident!
Hey 13 year old, Don't be insecure. You are incomparable. Something good is waiting for you.
Hey 13 year old, When people say mean things to you or treat you badly, it is more about them than it is about you. They are the ones hurting on the inside and insecure. Hang in there. Get through it. You have a full life to live.
Hey 13 year old, be your most authentic self... the best thing you could thank yourself for.
Hey 13 year old, one day you will look at the problems you had when you were 13, and you will laugh, because they are nothing
Hey 13 year old, When someone makes eye contact with you (friend, crush, schoolmate) don't look away, smile at them. Chances are, they'll smile back at you.
Hey 13 year old, Dating probably really seems new and fun for you. But please keep in mind that relationships aren't something small. Make sure you only date people you like like
Hey 13 year old, If people your age are saying they are part of the LGBTQ+ community, they are lying. They are just kids, they should not be making decisions on who they want to have sex with. And if they ridicule you for being Homophobic, let them! You speak truth.
Hey 13 year old, if you don't have confidence, act like you do until you really do, people notice others who are confient in themselves <3
Hey 13 year old, If you're in a circle of friends no matter how big or small it is. And u still can feel loneliness, get away from them right now!
Hey 13 year old, Be kind to people, even if it's discouraged by social pressure or by bullies. Being mean just to avoid bullying is letting them win, instead, you gotta be a better person than them. The bullying will stop in the future; you'll still be a good person.
Hey 13 year old, being a teenager might sound exciting just like those aesthetic Pinterest posts and Instagram, but it's honestly not that good, and that's okay! Chose a real friend over 100 of fake ones who just want to act cool or leave you exhausted after talking.