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What I Wish I Knew At Age 13

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 13. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 13 year old, I’m 13 too. Don’t even THINK about being stressed about school.
Hey 13 year old, Before you 'date' someone talk to them and get to know them. Feelings get hurt when you break it off as bf and Gf. Egos get hurt when you friend zone them.
Hey 13 year old, Your feelings are valid! Get a friend who will listen to them, and remember to LISTEN TO THIERS TOO!!!
Hey 13 year old, Enjoy middle school and elementary! It is just a small blip on your life and you will miss it. Focus on your friends and don't date. Bf and Gf will pass but a true friend will always stay! Remember your feelings are always valid and your perfect!
Hey 13 year old, Não se importe com oque eles pensam sobre você, e sim oque você quer ser. Aproveite o tempo que você tem para se divertir, aproveite!!
Hey 13 year old, A
Hey 13 year old, Se ficar extressado tente pensar em coisas boas.
Hey 13 year old, Coloque colheres no microondas a comida fica melhor
Hey 13 year old, Você irá cometer muitos erros durante esse tempo, tente aprender a ter mais responsabilidade e mais maturidade, a maioria dos seus erros irão surgir através da ausência dessas coisas.
Hey 13 year old, Sempre faz o que vc gosta nao o que os outros gosta
Hey 13 year old, Não ligue para o que as pessoas vão falar de você
Hey 13 year old, Man, enjoy your free time, you still have a lot to do
Hey 13 year old, If you are being bullied tell your parents or teachers. You shouldn't have fear of those morons, they are nothing and you are better than them, you are stronger in heart and that's what matters.
Hey 13 year old, Don't get a boyfriend or girlfriend at your age your not so mature and that lasts only for a week. You get sad for nothing.
Hey 13 year old, Not every celebrity is good at all principally those that works in tik tok. Nu for example they stole their actual flag from the Lgbtq+ community and influence you that the flag is theirs.
Hey 13 year old, You shouldn't watch that videos not from youtube it is better for your mental health and that is gross and normally happens abuses to women.
Hey 13 year old, STOP PLAYING FORTNITE!! There are many different games, go explore the gaming world. Yes there gaming experiences better than Fortnite. There are games that talk about feelings. There is a cool game that you should play it's called "Life" it's free.
Hey 13 year old, Sou uma pessoa estressada
Hey 13 year old, Eu Com 13 anos quero dizer que estou triste pela pandemia mas vai passar e eu sou forte e quero continuar a ser feliz
Hey 13 year old, Never work too hard to fit in with other people. The group of people you are meant to keep around aren’t people you need to change yourself for.
Hey 13 year old, have fun! don’t stress :)
Hey 13 year old, Titties hurt...
Hey 13 year old, remember to laugh with them before they have the chance to laugh at you
Hey 13 year old, When they offer you a job one day, they wont ask you if you were/are popular or how many instagram followers you have. Cut toxic people out, small friend circle's are the most non-toxic ones. Call people out.
Hey 13 year old, Live your best life! THESE ARE THE BEST MOMENTS AND MEMORIES. So don’t stress about your appearance or how popular you are, just live like it’s your last day!
Hey 13 year old, No one will care about popularity some kids will be in the long run find true friends that will care about you
Hey 13 year old, Always wonder why
Hey 13 year old, Dont be scared of your future you are going to be ok i promise
Hey 13 year old, Soy Dabian del futuro Yo te quiero desir algo que es malo va a venir un huracan en 2017 i en 2020 va a venir un a pandemia
Hey 13 year old, Try to get along with your siblings but also give them space when they need it also don’t steal from them