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What I Wish I Knew At Age 13

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 13. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 13 year old, please be kind i used to be super popular as a child and i was a horrible person. i’m pretty sure the last word i told someone a few months before they sadly passed away was “ew move” please don’t be like me.
Hey 13 year old, do your work.
Hey 13 year old, if u gotta shit while ur at school just do it and if the whole bathroom stinks and people make fun of u they’re just jealous that their shit isnt that powerful.
Hey 13 year old, Don't do things that make you unhappy in an effort to fit in. Everyone feels the exact same way you do, and one of this will matter in 10 years. Do what makes you happy and hang out with people who appreciate you for you.
Hey 13 year old, Brush your teeth. Floss, too. Please learn from my mistakes.
Hey 13 year old, Cherish this time, it's the last step before you move on to highschool. I'm currently 18 writing this, and if there's anything I miss it's going out to recess with my elementary friends.
Hey 13 year old, If you’re struggling with sh. It’s ok to relapse. I did. A lot of people did. It’s ok
Hey 13 year old, Don’t be like them. You’re better then them ok
Hey 13 year old, Stop pretending to like “trends” or be apart of them. Just- stop. No one really cares. Unless there a dick. Then they care. Don’t listen to the Dick
Hey 13 year old, Popularity is not everything. It will just make school harder. Be yourself Don't hide who you are
Hey 13 year old, Start thinking about the future. It’ll benefit you in the long run
Hey 13 year old, Look after your teeth, once they're damaged you're screwed
Hey 13 year old, Try many different things, you may get a hobby and become good on that what you love
Hey 13 year old, You were really a little shit back then. Relax, you have absolutely no one to impress, they all know you already.
Hey 13 year old, Don't procrastinate and blow stuff off I learned that the hard way
Hey 13 year old, Bullying will stop!
Hey 13 year old, crack is wack
Hey 13 year old, Don’t let the fear of going to a bigger school the next year get to you.
Hey 13 year old, Right now you may think having followers or getting clout is the best thing ever but it really isn’t all that cool you’ll have clout for like a day then your next posts will not get many views same with followers just you might get shadow banned.
Hey 13 year old, As you move through the next few years you might drift from your friends. It's okay to let go, to find new people, and to move on as you grow up. Try to keep friends that make you feel happy, validated, and safe. You'll be okay.
Hey 13 year old, don’t let anyone tell you that your goal in life is unreasonable and doesn’t meet expectations, because if you really set your mind to something you can absolutely do whatever you want to do!
Hey 13 year old, You know that amazing idea in your head that you thought would change the world? Keep your eye on that idea and do whatever it takes to see out that goal, you might just end up changing the world!
Hey 13 year old, Learn self-defense. I was always a bookworm and I never learned to defend myself. I have taken self-defense lessons now and realized how much it would have helped my confidence while growing up.
Hey 13 year old, Don’t spend too many hours of your life wearing high heels. Your feet will be sad and ugly when you’re older if you do this.
Hey 13 year old, Learn some self-defense. This may come in handy if someone tries to take advantage of you.
Hey 13 year old, Stand up when an adult enters the room, look them in the eye and say hello. This is grown up manners and is so valuable.
Hey 13 year old, Be smart what photos you put online or send to a friend. Never send a picture to anyone else’s phone that you wouldn’t want to show your granny.
Hey 13 year old, Don’t accept drinks from strangers. You don’t know what’s in that drink.
Hey 13 year old, Close your mouth when you eat. We don’t need to see your food being ground down.
Hey 13 year old, Speak up if you don’t agree with something. If you believe in someone or something, don’t be afraid to speak up.