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What I Wish I Knew At Age 15

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 15. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 15 year old, 30
Hey 15 year old, Trust on people but it may be harmful so be careful whom you trust
Hey 15 year old, Never Ever Masterbate
Hey 15 year old, Richest man in tha world
Hey 15 year old, don’t be afraid to fall in love
Hey 15 year old, love your mom for what she is, flaws and all.. she loves you and continues to do so for what you are.
Hey 15 year old, do NOT be ashamed of things you really enjoy and don't let people make fun of you because of it.
Hey 15 year old, If you ever get bullied and scared to let people know don't worry be brave and be strong because we will help you live your life and I'm proud of you <3
Hey 15 year old, I know you want to have internet friends or know people from around the world but sometimes you should spend more time with people in real life<3
Hey 15 year old, walk with friends more. Don’t worry about boys. You’ll still meet your love.
Hey 15 year old, If you're in a circle of friends no matter how big or small it is. And u still can feel loneliness, get away from them right now!
Hey 15 year old, Care more about yourself you're gonna need it
Hey 15 year old, don't worry about the future right now. Focus on the present you still have time to make choices.
Hey 15 year old, Work out every day no matter what it doesn’t matter if it’s a single push-up or lifting 200 pounds just do something and keep doing it, it really helps
Hey 15 year old, Don't treat your parents poorly, you will regret it in the future.
Hey 15 year old, Don't let bullies get to you when it comes to your body. You are BEAUTIFUL!
Hey 15 year old, if your lonely find a boy or girl freind talk to them then when your old enough marry you will be glad :)not sad:'(
Hey 15 year old, he fooled you, but you won't know this until 7 years later~
Hey 15 year old, Hi, i hope youre okay.
Hey 15 year old, Take as many new opportunities as possible, everything new is a lesson to be learned
Hey 15 year old, Highschool won't go on forever so make as many memories as possible. You don't want to have to look back one day and regret the decisions you made now
Hey 15 year old, Learn everything you can about your Grandparents and what they did at your age, You never know how much time you'll have left with them.
Hey 15 year old, Remember that your body needs all the nutrients it can get and starving yourself wont change your body forever. All bodies are beautiful
Hey 15 year old, Listen to music without words to help you study like .... classical(youtube), lofi relax and study(spotify) many more
Hey 15 year old, Listen to music.. it helps
Hey 15 year old, Enjoy your teenage years and stop worrying about him or her... You are only a teenager once so enjoy it...
Hey 15 year old, Don't quit don't give up go be badass
Hey 15 year old, your 15!! if your having a hard time with friends and toxic people leave them if they are toxic say f*c*k it be you be happy
Hey 15 year old, Don't let popular opinions influence your own!
Hey 15 year old, I know many people get bullied around these years in high school. Don't back down from the bullies. Stand up. Stand up for yourself, stand up for others that are being bullied. Stand up for each other whether it's you, friends, or others.