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What I Wish I Knew At Age 16

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 16. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 16 year old, If you're stressed, remember to lean into the power of music, and find the type of music that makes your heart sing. It's okay to keep some favorites, but be open to new genres and types of music too.
Hey 16 year old, If you can't do something for school or a chore, at least begin with at least 2 minutes of it. Often once you get two minutes rolling, the hard part of starting gets done, and it becomes easier to just continue.
Hey 16 year old, Being sassy in a good way involves being able to defend yourself or others from genuine threats. Being sassy in a bad way involves causing drama over the most petty things, and calling yourself a queen/king for it.
Hey 16 year old, Do not date simply because you feel pressured to have a boyfriend / girlfriend, and to not be single. All you're going to do is break the heart of the person if you're dating to impress others that you have a date, honestly.
Hey 16 year old, People who say people who speak for equality are overly offended often tend to be the most easily offended themselves. If they poke fun against others, others slightly raise their voice. If you poke fun at them, they throw a screaming tantrum.
Hey 16 year old, If a person tries to control what you wear or who you can be friends with, that's a red flag. Look up "red flags in a relationship," if you want to learn more.
Hey 16 year old, If someone is truly abusive, it doesn't matter if they're family. They're still abusive. They're not really "family" if they don't really treat you like family. (Look up the "signs of a narcissistic parent" for more.)
Hey 16 year old, You don't need a savior to make you happy in life. Romance is not a cure for mental illness. Making a "romantic partner" a therapist or a patient to fix instead of an actual boyfriend/girlfriend, is just a recipe for a broken heart later on.
Hey 16 year old, If you're a guy, and you mock a girl for "friendzoning you", then know that you're not entitled to her falling in love with you. If you really love them, let them choose who they want to fall in love with (if they want to fall in love at all.)
Hey 16 year old, Be extra cautious of people who make drama out of petty stuff like someone's appearance, someone's fashion style, taste in music, taste in TV shows, or stuff like what team of athletes they support. Those people tend to be insane.
Hey 16 year old, As you meet new people, notice if people say one thing, and their actions do something else. Actions speak louder than words when it comes to deciding who to trust, even if everyone else seems to trust them.
Hey 16 year old, Be careful on trusting mental health information from social media that can make things worse. If you're going to look online, at least find an article, podcast or video by a professional of some kind.
Hey 16 year old, You're more than what people your age, especially romantic interests, think of you. Your worth is not defined by how many people are attracted to you, or how popular you are in your social life.
Hey 16 year old, You're free to use the internet, of course (I'm not THAT strict), but remember with every post, you can potentially embarrass yourself for years to come. Some adults have learned this the hard way. Think before posting.
Hey 16 year old, As much as popular culture makes it to be, the interests of teenage girls aren't shallow and the idea that teenage girls are all stupid is just a stereotype. Whether you're a guy or girl, it's important to know that teenage girls can be smart too.
Hey 16 year old, When forming a sense of identity around this age, it's helpful to make sure you're not trying to conform to a stereotype. Try to list stereotypical labels on yourself, and ask if that's really the real you.
Hey 16 year old, If you're considering dating, look up "signs of gaslighting," or "signs of an abusive relationship," before you consider starting.
Hey 16 year old, If life doesn't make sense sometimes, write your emotions down in a private diary, either on an actual diary or an app diary/journal (which can come with locks.) No need to make it look perfect, or use correct grammar. Just write.
Hey 16 year old, Fall in love with whoever your heart desires. Just know that we only attract the love we think we deserve.
Hey 16 year old, If you think you're the only one who is awkward and insecure, then know that just about everyone is at this age and oftentimes in adulthood too. Some are just better hiding it than others.
Hey 16 year old, Love your father and ask him about his problems support him in his work.
Hey 16 year old, Cricket
Hey 16 year old, Never give up
Hey 16 year old, Don't run for love, Run for your dreams and love will come in your life automatically.
Hey 16 year old, My parents facing financial crises and i can't focus on my studies
Hey 16 year old, Boy
Hey 16 year old, Hii
Hey 16 year old, No 18
Hey 16 year old, Hey you.. Today out of blue I found myself to be 18 .. Take this advice Be COURAGEOUS.. Worst scenario, they leave <3
Hey 16 year old, I wanna be a successful person in my future