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What I Wish I Knew At Age 18

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 18. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 18 year old, Education is important. If you are going to college/university, pick a program that has real world application.
Hey 18 year old, Love yourself first and never find a man. A man will find you.
Hey 18 year old, Your attention is the cash value of your time. What are you paying attention to?
Hey 18 year old, Fuck the hoes.
Hey 18 year old, Please get some sort of a degree or certification. Nothing worse than having a great job, losing it through no fault of your own, than finding out you’re qualified for almost nothing.
Hey 18 year old, Don't be too harsh to yourself always remember there's no one to fix you but yourself
Hey 18 year old, Look at some job titles online to help you better understand what you might want to do after college. See if you can find ways to apply your interests to job titles.
Hey 18 year old, Know your boundaries.
Hey 18 year old, This is not the last year of your life, take it easy. There is basically no reason or requirement for you to be very serious about anything. Just relax and enjoy early adulthood, it's the shortest and most enjoyable period of your life.
Hey 18 year old, Go to school but go for something you enjoy. You have the rest of your life ahead of you don't choose a career path solely based on future wages. There is more to life than money. And job satisfaction makes a world of difference.
Hey 18 year old, mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility.
Hey 18 year old, If you're concerned about affording college, don't be embarrassed to do one at a time, despite what everyone might tell you, you're not obligated to do it at anyone else's pace, do what works for you and keep pushing.
Hey 18 year old, Build credit right away then use it wisely. It completely establishes a positive foundation for your adulthood to have good, ample credit.
Hey 18 year old, Try not to be exclusive in your choices. Or if you have strong reasons to be, be flexible when you explain it to people ... => Makes you sounds wise, and pushes you to anticipate the remarks you may receive !
Hey 18 year old, Start hanging out with older people now.
Hey 18 year old, Just don't be a dickhead.
Hey 18 year old, I Feel Like As A Man A Have Low Tetestosterone And Don't Feel Like A Man.
Hey 18 year old, Hey
Hey 18 year old, Drink less alcohol and go to bed earlier. It might be impossible to avoid drinking to the point of hangover or achy muscles but see if you can keep it done to once a month.
Hey 18 year old, You don't understand dance music right now. Go find a drum'n'bass club. Don't just stand awkwardly. Get some earplugs, stand next to the speakers, and fling yourself around. Copy other people dancing. Stay out late and take a taxi or night bus home.
Hey 18 year old, Become a member of the Uni gym. You only think you're not a fan of exercise because you haven't tried the right one. Buy 'Starting Strength' and try out the free weights. You'll like it.
Hey 18 year old, Don’t take yourself so seriously you little twat
Hey 18 year old, Get tested for gluten sensitivity. If you're sensitive, give it up. It's easier than you think, and will yield greater rewards than you expect.
Hey 18 year old, Be prepared to see anything. Violence in American is tamed by tax money that pays police and coroners. I saw a woman literally explode when I was 18. She jumped off of a 20 story building and burst on the pavement. (
Hey 18 year old, “The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Hey 18 year old, create your own timeline, modify it as you wish, and never let anyone rush you with their timelines. Do what you love, love what you do.
Hey 18 year old, Don't waste all your time. Study now.
Hey 18 year old, Don’t drop out from school, you will regret it.
Hey 18 year old, If you're not an English native speaker, learn it now and learn it well. You will get a huge advantage for your later career.
Hey 18 year old, Go to community college before going to a private school. Get those gen ed credits out of the way and you won't be chained to more debt than you can conceptualize.