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What I Wish I Knew At Age 18

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 18. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 18 year old, It's ok to not know what you are going to do with your life. Trust me there is no rush.
Hey 18 year old, 90% of college is going to class. Just show up.
Hey 18 year old, Don't try to fit all the next 10 years into a single night, a single week, or a single year. It'll burn you out.
Hey 18 year old, Life is too short to worry about petty shit. Life your life, travel the world. Be who you were destined to be.
Hey 18 year old, If you want to succeed, never repeat your mistakes. Make it a habit and see the change.✌️
Hey 18 year old, Don't do things under peer pressure or just because most if your friends do. Start thinking about where you want to be in next 10 years.
Hey 18 year old, You will always love your high school sweetheart. You will never forget him/her. I can't stress enough -- do everything you can to stay with that person. Don't live a life of wishing you had done more to be together.
Hey 18 year old, I wish I’d studied abroad in college. What a cool way to experience another country.
Hey 18 year old, You think it's love, don't mistake lust and settle to early.
Hey 18 year old, I should be rich , i can do everything whatever i want , because my can buy happiness .also my family should not face any kind of problem .
Hey 18 year old, Hoping to an entrepreneur for a career as a working class kid is like hoping to be a superhero or a unicorn or something like that. You’re going to have to get a wage job. But beyond that, personal connections are more important than money.
Hey 18 year old, Go to college and finish in 4-5 years. There will be temptations to take a semester off, travel, follow a significant other, etc. Resist them. You will be 22-23 when you graduate, which is still so unbelievably young, but you don't know that yet.
Hey 18 year old, Don’t get married yet. No matter how charming he might be, get to know him first and be sure he’s the one.
Hey 18 year old, What should i do for future
Hey 18 year old, Invest in shirts that are 100% cotton. Polyester= extra bad B.O.
Hey 18 year old, You won't always find a soulmate in high school. A lot of the time, those involved presently aren't mature enough. You'll find your person in the most unexpected places.
Hey 18 year old, Either you just graduated or you are about to. You are an adult now. Treat people as your equal and develop skills that will bring you a richer life. Don't feel bad about taking a gap year but seriously consider college. It's important.
Hey 18 year old, If you’re making decisions just to follow the crowd even though it doesn’t feel right, stop pretending, do what makes YOU happy
Hey 18 year old, Currently I'm earning a little bit..and trying to start my fitness journey as soon as I can..So, i need advice related to passion..I have not found my passion yet and I want to become millionaire within 5 years..So, what should I do...??
Hey 18 year old, Start hanging out with older people now.
Hey 18 year old, Try not to be exclusive in your choices. Or if you have strong reasons to be, be flexible when you explain it to people ... => Makes you sounds wise, and pushes you to anticipate the remarks you may receive !
Hey 18 year old, Your attention is the cash value of your time. What are you paying attention to?
Hey 18 year old, Build credit right away then use it wisely. It completely establishes a positive foundation for your adulthood to have good, ample credit.
Hey 18 year old, Become a member of the Uni gym. You only think you're not a fan of exercise because you haven't tried the right one. Buy 'Starting Strength' and try out the free weights. You'll like it.
Hey 18 year old, You don't understand dance music right now. Go find a drum'n'bass club. Don't just stand awkwardly. Get some earplugs, stand next to the speakers, and fling yourself around. Copy other people dancing. Stay out late and take a taxi or night bus home.
Hey 18 year old, If you're concerned about affording college, don't be embarrassed to do one at a time, despite what everyone might tell you, you're not obligated to do it at anyone else's pace, do what works for you and keep pushing.
Hey 18 year old, Love yourself first and never find a man. A man will find you.
Hey 18 year old, Figure out what you want one year from now. Where do you want to be? Who do you want to be? Then do absolutely everything in your power every day starting right then to make sure you're in that place. You'll be shocked how far you'll go.
Hey 18 year old, Don’t believe your parents that you should “study want your heart wants”. Choose wisely, pick a study direction that will lead to a decent job. Your parents lived in the golden age, right now the millennials are the first generation who are worse off
Hey 18 year old, mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility.