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What I Wish I Knew At Age 18

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 18. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 18 year old, start going to the gym when you get a chance. It's easier now than it ever will be.
Hey 18 year old, spend time with your grandparents whenever you can. They won't be around forever so don't take them for granted. You will learn so much from their wisdom and experiences.
Hey 18 year old, don't be afraid to fail. Failing teaches you the lessons that really matter in life.
Hey 18 year old, You don't have to have it all figured out yet. Take your time and things will fall into place eventually.
Hey 18 year old, cut out people who think you are worthless. The people who matter will see your true worth and appreciate you.
Hey 18 year old, stop speeding, it only saves you a few minutes but puts you at a much greater risk
Hey 18 year old, use this time wisely to figure out what you want to do in life. You are just now entering into an age of immense freedom with a rather small amount of responsibility. Try new things and be uncomfortable, that is how you grow.
Hey 18 year old, try not to run instead of walk. Good things take time.
Hey 18 year old, You are probably starting to choose where (or if) you will complete your post-secondary education. Don't feel pressured to go the same route all your peers or family traditionally take. Take the time to figure out what is really right for you.
Hey 18 year old, Take your time to heal from a broken heart. It might seem impossible, but you will be okay.
Hey 18 year old, start investing in a retirement savings plan now
Hey 18 year old, Never turn down pizza
Hey 18 year old, learn to dance. Will help with body confidence, make dating easier and it's a fun way to exercise.
Hey 18 year old, Approach "financial aid" with caution. If you take a huge loan, it means when you start to earn a living, your money will go toward repayments instead of investing in your future (wedding, home). Borrow wisely.
Hey 18 year old, don't ride that bike down that staircase. Or if you do, at least pull the back brake instead of the front brake. Plastic front teeth are a pain in the ass.
Hey 18 year old, Read the Bible, believe everything in it, and apply it to your life.
Hey 18 year old, You think that you're too old to be screwing up, but you are so fucking young! It's fine.
Hey 18 year old, You are kind. You are smart. You are important.
Hey 18 year old, Go out and see the world if you can. Do not be afraid of breaking the comfort zone. And remember, you are beautiful
Hey 18 year old, you will have been advised before that it doesn't matter what others think of you. It doesn't matter what anybody thinks of you, but you're now entering the part of your life in which you can choose your peers. They should think well of you.
Hey 18 year old, don't worry If you have not figured it all out. Time will tell
Hey 18 year old, don't despair to have a girlfriend/boyfriend, in some years you will have everything you want.
Hey 18 year old, If you are starting college, find a way to get some practical work experience in the career field you are likely to pursue. Once you graduate, it will set you apart from those who just have four years of classes on their resumes.
Hey 18 year old, university/college is a nerve wracking time but don't worry, everything will be okay. Put yourself out there, be yourself, try new activities. People are worrying about themselves, not focused on you, trust me. Good luck. Xo
Hey 18 year old, Cherish your college life. Do interesting and bold things. It would be the best time for some great explorations especially if you didn't have a vision of your future life yet.
Hey 18 year old, you should focus on studying, but you'll benefit a lot in your future life if you learn how to work and make money from the things you love to do.
Hey 18 year old, Your relatives, friends, and romantic partners are important blocks in the process of building the foundation of your life. Be selective, even picky, go for quality and not quantity. It's OK to break up with a relative if it is absolutely necessary.
Hey 18 year old, Pick up a bachelor degree because you are passionate about the subject. Try to become wiser and more selfaware. You will have time to think about money.
Hey 18 year old, Having crushes on people is normal. It feels like destiny, and feels like the end of the world when it goes wrong, but it really isn't. Watch your personal space, read about consent, then just chill out and enjoy having close friends.
Hey 18 year old, It's not the end of the world failing your first year of university. Oh, it's gonna really suck at first but it happens to plenty of people and they get through it. Reflect, seek out your options, but don't give up - keep challenging yourself 👩‍🎓