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What I Wish I Knew At Age 19

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 19. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 19 year old, If you love someone this young and you are sure of your love don’t let anybody come between you two
Hey 19 year old, Even if you like going out, it's alright to not want to sometimes. Go for a quiet one instead, or get coffee, whatever, you can slow down and not feel bad about it.
Hey 19 year old, stop worrying over your future career path. It's okay not be absolutely sure of what you want to do in the future. Let time work its magic.
Hey 19 year old, Launch software-based projects that people want, and contribute to open-source
Hey 19 year old, Get away from your friends for a few weeks after highschool. You will realize who is real and who enabled you for years. Be yourself. Respect other. Respect/love yourself for who you are. Because in the end alot of your "best friends" disappear.
Hey 19 year old, Take nothing from the dessert bar.
Hey 19 year old, Stop looking for validation in the eyes of someone who doesn't care. There are so many people that truly care about your well being. After years of wasting time on the wrong people, I finally found my true friends. You are loved and worthy.
Hey 19 year old, Don't live on ramen because you're a poor student! PB&J is cheap and more nutritious!
Hey 19 year old, Don’t waste your life partying. I’ve seen friends lose their life over it. Go to school and be safe
Hey 19 year old, Just act wise people are going to take u non serious but u gotta show them what u really are
Hey 19 year old, keep living. whatever you need to do to ensure that you keep going, do that.
Hey 19 year old, Work hard and money is easy to come by, even as a full time college student
Hey 19 year old, Change how you save money. There should always be money in your bank account it you're conscious of what you spend.
Hey 19 year old, Let highschool habits leave you. Rude jokes may hit people harder then they let you know. Change your attitude, be respectful.
Hey 19 year old, As you go through college understand that most of what you learn about your course material you won’t use. And most employers won’t care about your grades. Don’t spend all your time in the library. Cultivate lifelong friendships.
Hey 19 year old, It's okay if you have no one to talk, no friend circle to hangout with. Maybe it's right time to work on yourself. Don't seek right person, they will come to you at right time:)
Hey 19 year old, Don’t worry about that boy. Don’t cry over him. Don’t let male validation make or break your day. Blast some music and enjoy loving YOU
Hey 19 year old, Want to success man
Hey 19 year old, Study till the last till you become a imp person.
Hey 19 year old, Committed relationships are probably a bad idea +/-5 years of this age, as it gets in the way of you building yourself.
Hey 19 year old, Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
Hey 19 year old, Please keep your worth , don't let people walk all over you just to be friends with them or make contacts . You know no one is going to be with you after few years ..learn and grow . Believe in yourself .
Hey 19 year old, Do whatever you want be happy
Hey 19 year old, believe in your dreams and do not allow others to make you doubt about yourself
Hey 19 year old, If you're after advice, try to find a way to unlearn and rehear all the wisdom that has been shared with you thus far. It's an astonishing amount and it's easy to write off. The difficulty is to listen in a way so you can hear it new.
Hey 19 year old, Life can be so much to absorb sometimes and its okayyyy. the shift from high school to college isn't an easy one and you need to give tine to yourself to let it happen. in the end you are gonna figure it out, we all are gonna figure it out.
Hey 19 year old, There's a suitor and I'm doubting about his action. I have a feeling that he's lying and hiding something. I open my twitter account and stalk him I found out that he's chatting with someone else. What is the best thing to do??
Hey 19 year old, Don’t move in with your boyfriend, You end up hating him after 6 months of living together:)
Hey 19 year old, Never get tired of looking forward to the best sunshines every morning.
Hey 19 year old, Choose a useful major