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What I Wish I Knew At Age 19

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 19. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 19 year old, BEWARE of anyone who tries to separate you from all your friends and family. Even if they're charming, good looking, and everyone likes them, they're trying to ISOLATE you from everyone else, so you can't receive help from them anymore.
Hey 19 year old, If it's hard to change something in your life, focus on making one small change a day. Can't change your entire diet all at once? Just begin with drinking a few more glasses of water a day for a starter? Finish easier tasks before harder ones.
Hey 19 year old, If you make a lot of jokes about how you hate your SO / boyfriend / girlfriend, then why are you still with them if you hate them so much? A few arguments are normal, but constant conflicts is another thing entirely.
Hey 19 year old, If you're stuck without professional resources to mental health, at least look into buying or borrowing books written by professionals on mental health, until you can find other options, of course.
Hey 19 year old, If you want to date as a woman, and you're waiting for the other person to make the first move after a long, long, long time, consider making the first move yourself. Dropping hints doesn't mean he or she will notice. Be direct.
Hey 19 year old, I'm not saying to give up on your dreams, but not everyone is going to be the prodigy who gains worldwide success at the age of a young adult or even earlier. If you haven't reached that level of success at this point, it's normal. Be patient.
Hey 19 year old, You don't have to take part of hustle culture to the point of working hard to the point of losing your sanity, self worth and health. I know we can't all afford enough breaks, but take at least short breaks (even a few minutes) if needed.
Hey 19 year old, When following new organizations or groups as an adult, look up online for "signs of a cult," or "signs of a cult leader." Cults are not just defined as false religions, but as false business groups, false self help groups, and false support groups.
Hey 19 year old, Not every interest or hobby has to become a career or has to be a "side hustle", even if family pressures you to. Sometimes, hobbies are just hobbies, and we need to value and protect our free time as we get older, even if it's short.
Hey 19 year old, Life can often go in unexpected turns, but that doesn't mean you will fail if your first plan doesn't work out. Think flexibly. If one way doesn't work, find another. If it doesn't, find another. And so on. Try again and again.
Hey 19 year old, You are going to have big dreams, and I 100% support them. Just know that your worth isn't defined by your own achievement, and you don't have to achieve a dream immediately. Be patient. Most big dreams take years.
Hey 19 year old, If others have broken your trust, do not give up on reaching out to others. Just be slower to trust next time, and try to take small steps to trusting someone, rather than black or white of either trust them 100% or distrust them 100%.
Hey 19 year old, You're not responsible for people's emotions unless you're a therapist, and someone isn't responsible for your own emotions in a relationship (in romance or in friendship), unless they're your therapist. You don't have to fix or be fixed.
Hey 19 year old, There is a lot of advice for those who are abused, but less on those who might be abusive themselves. In relationships, no means no. Even if movies make it sound like never giving up on someone in love is romantic, it's not. Respect boundaries.
Hey 19 year old, If you're too embarrassed how to ask help on how to be an adult, at least google how to do it first. Websites like Wikihow give you all kinds of practical tips on everything you might want to know. Then maybe if you look like you know a bit, ask.
Hey 19 year old, Future career for me
Hey 19 year old, You are old enough to not rely on anyone, Work on yourself to be more successful and show your parents your success because they are growing old day by day.
Hey 19 year old, I pursuing Diploma
Hey 19 year old, Failure comes in public but success comes in private
Hey 19 year old, I want to Start a Business but i don't know How i Start ? Please Suggest me
Hey 19 year old, Hhsbs
Hey 19 year old, don't be in love its your age to grow not to fall please don't be in love especially to a wrong person wait for time god will send a well deserving person for you till then wait and grow yourself
Hey 19 year old, 19
Hey 19 year old, Sports cars lovers
Hey 19 year old, Hardwork
Hey 19 year old, Take care
Hey 19 year old, Sayantika be with me forever
Hey 19 year old, I
Hey 19 year old, Machanical Engineers
Hey 19 year old, Yes i am 19 year old, and i am totally confused that what I do for my career options