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What I Wish I Knew At Age 20

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 20. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 20 year old, Whatever you experience at this age remember that you are stronger than you think and know your worth. Love yourself, be confident, make mistakes, try again and most importantly be happy.
Hey 20 year old, Company
Hey 20 year old, Upsc
Hey 20 year old, I am in college doing BCA(bachelor in computer applications) what can I do in future
Hey 20 year old, Don't limit yourself to what you've always done/been. ... Be yourself, and try new things. ... Take time to meditate, walk among the trees, and build quality friendships. Exercise. ... Work hard, but take time to make friends and have fun. ...
Hey 20 year old, Work hard , dream big
Hey 20 year old, You should be more open to people about how you feel, and you really be more honest with your emotions.
Hey 20 year old, I am 38. Now a days i am showing my aggression on small pity things
Hey 20 year old, Yup
Hey 20 year old, If you have an especially good experience with a customer service person, in addition to a nice tip, be an "anti-Karen" and ask to speak to their manager about what a great job they're doing. It makes the employee's day and can help with promotions.
Hey 20 year old, College students: If you are a victim of a crime at school, call police FIRST, not the school. Colleges will try to get you to use their "internal" reporting systems when something bad happens. That system is there to protect the school, not you.
Hey 20 year old, If someone doesn't appreciate something you do for them, it probably means that it isn't that important to them. Rather than stew about it or demand recognition, just add it to the list of things you don't need to do anymore.
Hey 20 year old, When a baby is unhappy we understand they’re probably missing something basic: food, water, sleep, warmth, etc. This is true of you, too. If you find yourself unexpectedly in a bad mood, chances are it’s a simple fix.
Hey 20 year old, Learn to do -- and enjoy -- things by yourself. You're going to miss out on a lot of fun if you keep waiting for someone else to accompany you.
Hey 20 year old, If you ever need a program you want for free (for example a video/photo editor) don’t search for “free,” search for “open source” to avoid limited trial versions, adverts and malware.
Hey 20 year old, If you or anyone you know has experienced sexual abuse, and the police does not believe you, then contact a nonprofit for abuse victims instead. Try to email or call one online, or maybe visit a local one near you found through Google Maps.
Hey 20 year old, If you're a woman, and a stranger who sends you a pic of his dick has a nice mom, consider sending a screenshot of him sending a picture of his dick to his mother. A sane mother would lecture her child. Less sane ones would defend him.
Hey 20 year old, If you want to prevent a fascist world, know a little bit more about Nazi history if you can stomach the violence of it. Know the warning signs. The paranoia of the "other", the banning of books, increasingly restrictive laws. It's all happening now.
Hey 20 year old, Millennials/Zoomers, when you’re explaining how broke you are to your parents/grandparents, use an inflation calculator. Ask them what year they started working, and then tell them what you make in dollars from back then.
Hey 20 year old, Take photos of your parents doing things they do every day. When you get older, they will bring back memories more than any posed pic ever could. They won't always be here, so enjoy the best memories you have with them. (If they're not abusive.)
Hey 20 year old, Finish your degree even if you ultimately wont go into your studied field. Future employers may simply pay you more for having a degree, with it offering more credibility with your added education experience, even if it's not related.
Hey 20 year old, If you lack cash, potatoes are cheaper than ramen, have more nutritional value, and will keep you full longer. There are so many ways of cooking them and almost all are delicious. For more, look up "cheap ingredients to use in cooking," online.
Hey 20 year old, Take regular photos of the everyday happenings around your home & family. Someone on the sofa, cooking, doing yard work, a regular old dinner etc. Pictures of everyday life are the real nostalgia bombs when looking back.
Hey 20 year old, DON'T be on your best behavior on a first date. DO be your normal, everyday, relaxed hanging-with-friends behavior. You want the person to like you for who you actually are, not who you are pretending to be. They'll only fall in love with fake you.
Hey 20 year old, Do not try to be the man your father would want you to be. Be the man you would like your son to be be. It more clearly defines your own convictions, desires, goals, and motivates you to be your best.
Hey 20 year old, A non- broken hymen is not an indicator of virginity and that it is NOT normal for sex to hurt. There's a difference between discomfort and pain. Look up "myths about sex," and "myths about virginity," for more. Virginity cannot be formally tested!
Hey 20 year old, There is a giant library inside Minecraft which contains journals and articles, banned in several countries (, if you want to rebel against banned books these days.
Hey 20 year old, There is an app called Be My Eyes that allows visually impaired people to video call volunteers to ask for visual assistance, if you want a chance to help someone in your life.
Hey 20 year old, Khan Academy has a section on Personal Finance that teaches you things such as how to do your taxes, pay for college, and save for retirement. (
Hey 20 year old, There are multiple websites that give you recipes based off what ingredients you have on hand, such as my fridgefood, supercook, allrecipes, yummly, recipepuppy or epicurious on the app store.