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What I Wish I Knew At Age 20

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 20. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 20 year old, You're entering a stage where supporting yourself is more important than following your dream. Financial independence and freedom of time will enable you to pursue your dream. Be pragmatic.
Hey 20 year old, Fuck. Fuck everyone and anyone that wants you to fuck them. Don't get attached, there is plenty of time for love in your 30s but remember passion fits well at every age.
Hey 20 year old, Even if it's paltry, start saving now if you haven't already! Pennies eventually turn into dollars, and positive behaviors keep reinforcing over time. Always be stashing whatever you can and try to forget about it. Then you'll actually have it later.
Hey 20 year old, Along with everything else happening, try new things, a different type of exercise, try going vegetarian, try meditation, if only for a few weeks, if you don't read, start and continue. You won't believe who you've become by the time you're 30.
Hey 20 year old, 1. Don't sweat the small stuff. Everything works out just fine. Life doesn't Happen TO you, it happens FOR you. 2. Live life to the fullest. Live in the moment. Life is shorter than you think. 3. Travel. As much as you can.
Hey 20 year old, work to better only yourself and forgive yourself for making mistakes. Don't post anything on social media that you will regret in 10 years.
Hey 20 year old, Your college experience isn't what you had hoped it would be. Don't let these 4 years determine the rest of your life. You will meet more people, places and opportunities in the years following that will help you find your place in the world.
Hey 20 year old, Don’t compare yourself to others - Just focus on yourself and becoming your best self.
Hey 20 year old, Spend the next decade exploring, understanding you and the world you live in. Save marriage for thirty or above once you have a well established career, sowed your wild oaks and have figured out how you want to live and the companion you need.
Hey 20 year old, If you have a toxic parent that you can stay away from, do that. Avoid contact with them, don’t pity someone that is so toxic to you for the sake of your own mental health. The quicker you realise they are so damaging the easier it will be for you.
Hey 20 year old, Artsy/creative majors might seem appealing because that's where the cool kids are, but you don't need an arts degree to do creative work. College is a chance to learn real skills and expertise it's hard to pick up later.
Hey 20 year old, Study, study, study
Hey 20 year old, Be careful about focusing on one area of life over everything else in life. Whatever area of life it is, relationships, studies/work, health, free time / leisure, and so on. If a certain area is your favorite, take time to explore others.
Hey 20 year old, If you want to learn to be tough and safe on the streets, look up "street smart tips," or "street smart advice," so you can avoid danger, considering all the crazy stuff on the news nowadays to what's happening to these victims.
Hey 20 year old, You can't predict the future, but you can focus on doing your best in the present. Don't try to finish all your goals in a single day, and just focus on what you can do each single day.
Hey 20 year old, How to control overthinking
Hey 20 year old, Sometimes when you're stuck on a problem, relearn how to see the world from a child's point of view. Try to see something for the first time, and describe the situation like you've never encountered before. What ideas do you have?
Hey 20 year old, Always meet people where they are, not where you want them to be.
Hey 20 year old, If you just graduated from university and do not want to work by profession, do not work. If you find your hobby, then do your favorite thing. Don’t listen to anyone.
Hey 20 year old, Sometimes people say they do things because they love you, and even if they have good intentions, that doesn't mean what they're doing is right. If they were really being loving, they would be open to admitting mistakes.
Hey 20 year old, you're probably getting lots of sex in college, but remember, ALWAYS use a condom. Even if you think your pull out game is strong, don't try to go that path. It might come back to haunt you. Always practice safe sex.
Hey 20 year old, Trust the path you choose and it will protect you even in darkness.
Hey 20 year old, Learn to praise yourself for your efforts to improve rather than your innate abilities, even if your innate abilities have brought you success. Life is a series of challenges; you'll need to try, fail, and endure to build yourself to overcome them.
Hey 20 year old, If you wanna do something & confused about it, like should I do it right now or not, Just do it, always remember "NOW OR NEVER",,,
Hey 20 year old, Don't try desperately to fit in. Start developing your individuality and you will be so much further and happier in a year or two.
Hey 20 year old, Start saving money. Keep your family close. Friends and boyfriends come and go.
Hey 20 year old, You may experience countless failures, lost in an unpaved path, and unimaginable pain but what the future holds depends on your ability to accept the harsh reality and take action fearlessly because that's the only way to know what you're capable of
Hey 20 year old, When you get jobs as a trainee/intern, search for a job where you will learn and not simply for the highest paying (unless you really need the money)
Hey 20 year old, Start carrier early
Hey 20 year old, I want to become a engineer