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What I Wish I Knew At Age 20

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 20. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 20 year old, You can't change the past, but you can change the future. What happened in the past doesn't have to determine your future. As long as you're alive, you can always start over, start anew and find a new beginning.
Hey 20 year old, It's best to have a career you are passionate about, but the ideal career is never going to be 100% fun all the time. Even if you love a career, likely 80% of it will be fun, and at least 20% of it is exhausting. That's normal. Work is still work.
Hey 20 year old, If you complain too much about the different relationships in life, find time to appreciate and show gratitude to those around you. If you only see the positives about a person or people, look to see their flaws. Be balanced in judging character.
Hey 20 year old, If you've been trying to fix a problem with the same solution for years, it's try to do something else. For example, if beating yourself up for not doing well has never made you actually do well, it's time to try something else.
Hey 20 year old, You can't predict the future, but you can focus on doing your best in the present. Don't try to finish all your goals in a single day, and just focus on what you can do each single day.
Hey 20 year old, If you have trouble getting out of your comfort zone, do the tiniest thing you can to grow. Even if it's just to clean your room or iron your clothes one day. Tiny habits will grow the more months and years pass, so start now.
Hey 20 year old, There are going to be things in this world you cannot control, and that is a dark truth you will have to accept. Learn to focus on what you can control, do your best with that, and that can expand your domain of control over time.
Hey 20 year old, If it's too much to complete a habit, just try 10 minutes of it first. 10 minutes of walking outside, 10 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of looking up new healthy recipes, 10 minutes of journaling your day, 10 minutes of gratitude, and so on.
Hey 20 year old, If you need it, research online the "green flags" of a relationship rather than just the red flags. Don't just ask, "What is an abusive relationship?" but also, "What is a healthy relationship like?" If you don't know, that might explain a lot.
Hey 20 year old, If you have trouble getting rid of a bad habit, replace it with a good habit. Research says it is easier to let go of a bad habit this way, compared to just trying to remove the bad habit without replacing it with anything.
Hey 20 year old, Discrimination is wrong, and it's exhausting to be so full of hatred and anger all the time. If you're already like this, I doubt you'll listen. If you're considering it, then know that constant rage everyday is full of miserable exhaustion.
Hey 20 year old, You don't have to forgive people who hurt you, though it's better to just not acknowledge them than to take revenge. The more you get involved, the worse things can be. You don't ever have to talk with them again.
Hey 20 year old, It's okay to be a virgin at 20. Don't pressure yourself to get your first time if you're not ready, or even date at all if you're not ready, if you even want to in the first place. Anyone who pressures you, even parents, are being creeps.
Hey 20 year old, In the process of becoming financially independent, know that there are all kinds of scam artists out there trying to swindle money out of you. Make sure to review both positive and negative reviews online for a product or service.
Hey 20 year old, When stuck in life, look up some quotes on life, quotes on love, quotes on wisdom, or whatever deep topic you can think of with quotes. It'll help you think and decide when it comes to bigger problems.
Hey 20 year old, It's okay to still have childhood interests at 20. Being a grown up doesn't mean you have to stop acting like a kid, after responsibilities are met. Don't listen to people who make fun of harmless things that make you happy.
Hey 20 year old, What to do in my life
Hey 20 year old, Bsc
Hey 20 year old, 20
Hey 20 year old, Kal
Hey 20 year old, പിന്നെ പറയാം
Hey 20 year old, Hello
Hey 20 year old, Bohot zada pari
Hey 20 year old, If you wanna do something & confused about it, like should I do it right now or not, Just do it, always remember "NOW OR NEVER",,,
Hey 20 year old, How to control overthinking
Hey 20 year old, I want a good job to make my parents happy... And a good life partner also
Hey 20 year old, I always try to be nice in front of others. That's why they all take advantage of me.
Hey 20 year old, Smrts
Hey 20 year old, Freshers
Hey 20 year old,