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What I Wish I Knew At Age 22

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 22. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 22 year old, make the impossible, POSSIBLE!
Hey 22 year old, Welcome to the working world. Create a budget NOW and stick to it. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your bank account.
Hey 22 year old, it's okay to be a bit of a mess. Nobody has their life completely figured out, especially at this age. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. Do not ever giving up !
Hey 22 year old, Give the most you possibly can to your 401k and keep it 100% invested in a total stock market fund or S&P 500 fund and don’t touch it for several decades. The time to start saving and investing is now.
Hey 22 year old, , Dont let other take advantage of your true work the time you given to those they dont know the true value. For more greate advice check this young lady out on youtube its called Cultural story time she gives the best advice no matter what age you a
Hey 22 year old, How u become famous
Hey 22 year old, take a step back and look at yourself. Are you sacrificing all your progress to just settle for something like "comfort" or "familiarity"?
Hey 22 year old, I know you're fucking terrified right now. The world is asking a lot of you. You just paid 80K for a piece of paper you never wanted. I promise it will be okay just please take a breath. You deserve a break from yourself telling you that you don't.
Hey 22 year old, If lose something in Life, Hustle hard and achieve 2x better than that. You still have enough time.
Hey 22 year old, Don’t freak out because you still don’t know what you want to be. It is part of the experience.
Hey 22 year old, Being different from your family is completely okay as long as you're going upwards and doing the right thing.
Hey 22 year old, 1st year of drinkin must be a pro, huh? Well soon you won't be able to go as hard as you have now
Hey 22 year old, As you start to make Real Career Decisions, you're going to get a lot of advice, some asked-for, some not. Listen and stay humble, but also evaluate whether the people giving you that advice are happy with their own careers--especially family.
Hey 22 year old, tell your parents how much you love them.
Hey 22 year old, Learn, grow, live. If you travel, take the time to know people, different cultures. You learn about them and with that knowlegde you grow, you become a better person, more patient and comprehensive. Don't matters the other people say, be you, live.
Hey 22 year old, Roaming with friends, brings you happiness. But don't forget to plan for your future. Believe me, Compounding works in an amazing way, you never thought of. Start investing as early as today, and live a long and healthy life.
Hey 22 year old, When you are a fresh graduate, don't work from home and don't work for a startup. Find a bigger company that does social events where you can work in the office and do hybrid work. The social life aspect is important for graduates.
Hey 22 year old, Invest in yourself and your future. Go to graduate school or build something new. Industry is for people who trade their youth for a paycheck. There's no long term growth for jobs that will be automated: finance, engineers, radiologists, etc.
Hey 22 year old, Just follow your passion
Hey 22 year old, Try to have as much sex as possible in your twenties.
Hey 22 year old, Find Yourself!!!
Hey 22 year old, Don't let fear rule your life or your decisions. Be yourself, no matter what that looks like! Don't worry about what other people think - if they don't love you "as is" they are not worth the concern. Don't be afraid to look stupid, ask questions!
Hey 22 year old, 1) Every pay check put just a little into a high yield savings account or retirement account 2) Find some kind of exercise that you like and stick to it. And don't forget to stretch!!
Hey 22 year old, enjoy today, but think about the future as well. Before you know it the future is here and all your good intentions to save money and chase your dreams will be in vain.
Hey 22 year old, My wisdom is make a billion dollar company
Hey 22 year old, i want to become a famous person at the age of 23
Hey 22 year old, This is just the beginning. Give it time. Nothing is as bad as it seems.
Hey 22 year old, Help
Hey 22 year old, Relationship
Hey 22 year old, What should I do for be focused on future career and similarly I want a partner who can love me blindly