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What I Wish I Knew At Age 26

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 26. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 26 year old, Don't see back it always makes your future invisible
Hey 26 year old, Harmful, Emotional Attachment with people.
Hey 26 year old, Always never give-up
Hey 26 year old, Be grateful. You think that you dont have enough but always remember that somebody has less than you. Be grateful and one day you will understand that you have everything that you need.
Hey 26 year old, You know the feeling of adrenaline you get when you lose yourself in something you love? Acknowledge it and evolve it.
Hey 26 year old, Test
Hey 26 year old, you can get everything if you want it and put enough effort
Hey 26 year old, , Dont let other take advantage of your true work the time you given to those they dont know the true value. For more greate advice check this young lady out on youtube its called Cultural story time she gives the best advice no matter what age you a
Hey 26 year old, You would actively be looking for a leather jacket to upgrade your fashion wardrobe. But remember to steer clear of people selling fake leather on the web. Instead, have a look at collection
Hey 26 year old, Keep pushing, oftentimes it feels like you're just spinning your tires while those around you are accomplishing goals. You'll be accomplishing plenty soon! Don't fret about what everybody around you is doing.
Hey 26 year old, Yes true, money doesnt buy happiness, but damn it makes it easier in your search for it.
Hey 26 year old, Rather be single than be with someone who you know deep down isn't right for you. You are only delaying meeting the right person.
Hey 26 year old, Find someone at work who's career you would hope to emulate and ask them if they will mentor you. They know the shortcuts that will fast track your career.
Hey 26 year old, Hey there! Don't believe anyone who says you can't do it. People and relatives told me I can't do it. I did it. I studied, got job, and am independent now being from a small town. They all said I can't. It takes time and patience. Give it.
Hey 26 year old, Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
Hey 26 year old, Live a life
Hey 26 year old, Call your mother. She loves you and she worries.
Hey 26 year old, You can be less self-conscious. Other people are not actually scrutinizing you as much as you think they are. They're all busy looking at themselves!
Hey 26 year old, If you’re still drinking like you were in college, take a look around. Has everyone else kept up?
Hey 26 year old, It's OK to change your mind about the things you believe, especially as you gain experience in life and learn new things.
Hey 26 year old, try to make your own company
Hey 26 year old, I spoke to a girl (who I just met) who told she wants to get into wedding planning so I said I'll hire her for my wedding. she looked me dead in the eye and said I don't have to pay her to plan her own wedding. THAT is how you shoot your shot, ladies
Hey 26 year old, Take care of your teeth
Hey 26 year old, You are not supposed to work hard at this age - you are supposed to enjoy your youth. You will make money in your 30s. Enjoy your twenties. Kiss that random girl stuck in the friend zone, wink at your married boss, set the school on fire, eat chips.
Hey 26 year old, Smartest thing I did was to invite a married woman to have drinks with me one night. Nothing happened. She was single 3 years later. Married for 7 years now :)
Hey 26 year old, If you truly love each other, then just let it go, and no harm will be done.
Hey 26 year old, Know when to quit - If you feel tonight that you are not excited about coming to work tomorrow - that moment. Thats when you should quit. You should love your work, you should feel like coming to work every single day.
Hey 26 year old, My life turned around when I was 26. I decided to quit my crappy job and travel - there is more to life than being stuck doing something you don't love.
Hey 26 year old, If you like spending time with a friend, do it. Go on dates - not for drinks. Talk - don't text. Watch a movie together that you both hate. You are young only once. Carpe diem!
Hey 26 year old, People will ask you to chase your dreams, but there is also a time to give up on something. What you wanted when you were 18 is not going to what you want when you are 30.