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What I Wish I Knew At Age 27

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 27. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 27 year old, Be in contact with the musical scene of your city, enjoy being apart of todays culture so you can enjoy the future.
Hey 27 year old, Make sure you learn what you like spending money on because your are going to spend the rest of your life saving for it.
Hey 27 year old, Make you sure you have no idea where you are going towards in life, trust me, it´ll make a great future.
Hey 27 year old, It's okay to compromise for the sake of your relationship. You don't lose any self respect and you gain more insight, love and patience instead.
Hey 27 year old, If you're feeling unsatisfied with the relationship you've been in since your early 20s, don't let the scariness of trying something new stop you. You will find a much deeper connection with someone at this age than you did in your college years.
Hey 27 year old, Call your mother. She loves you and she worries.
Hey 27 year old, The worst year of your life. But you're lucky. It will last just for 365 days.
Hey 27 year old, In a relationship? Think of each other as cups filled with happiness. Don't try to fill your partner's cup with your happiness, it'll leave you feeling resentful/less happy. Take time to fill up your own cup, resulting in you being happier together.
Hey 27 year old, Go easy on your lifestyle aspirations
Hey 27 year old, work out what is important to you. What kind of people do you like? What kind of work do you enjoy? What makes you happy? Many just follow a script and don't truly know this about themselves.
Hey 27 year old, People you take for granted are not, some will pass away sooner that you think, take the time to share with them
Hey 27 year old, Don't waste time you can always waste it later. Now is the time to make something out of life.
Hey 27 year old, Make sure everything is in place before sharing your website with others.
Hey 27 year old, Many are married and have children by now. Most of them openly regret it. There is no deadline for this. You have time.
Hey 27 year old, belive in yourself and others will belive in you
Hey 27 year old, you're young enough to make mistakes and not get blamed for them
Hey 27 year old, it's not too late to start your own business
Hey 27 year old, Stop complaining and start fixing things yourself
Hey 27 year old, invest time and money in yourself, more than anything else