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What I Wish I Knew At Age 30

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 30. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 30 year old, At 30, you are finally old enough to be taken seriously, and young enough to do whatever you want.
Hey 30 year old, There are huge time-advantages to saving and investing early... and here you are, 30, thinking it's "too late" since you haven't yet begin. Nope. Time is still just barely on your side... but if you wait much longer, it won't be. Start now.
Hey 30 year old, None of this will matter at all. Enjoy your life, every part. Even the sitting on the couch doing nothing part. It's all music and it will be over before you know it.
Hey 30 year old, It's truly and honestly ok if you're still a virgin. Just don't put sex up on a pedestal and create anxiety for yourself over something that only lasts a short time. Focus more on finding a personality you love and want to be with.
Hey 30 year old, There is nothing manly about not helping around the house. A man helps cook and clean, along with taking an active role in the care of the children. Especially, if your wife works as well.
Hey 30 year old, Not only are you "still young," but you're in a really, really sweet spot. 30s is where it's at. Enjoy the heck out of the next ten years. They're some of the best years of your life, both physically and mentally. Love every second.
Hey 30 year old, If you believe you are transgender, and you're worried it's too late to transition, it definitely isn't. You're at the age where you're really beginning to know yourself. Transitioning comes with a lot of scary things, but I promise it's worth it.
Hey 30 year old, 30 isn't old, don't worry.
Hey 30 year old, It’s okay to say you don’t know what you want to do when you grow up.
Hey 30 year old, It’s ok to be alone. Don’t take any crap from your spouse. If she don’t need ya someone else will.
Hey 30 year old, Call your mother. She loves you and she worries.
Hey 30 year old, Stir-frying
Hey 30 year old, Depend on yourself and buy a House
Hey 30 year old, Propose in the AM to get a FULL day of joy; tomorrow is another day.
Hey 30 year old, Nobody knows your body as well as you do. This really applies to any age, but by now you've been through enough with your body that you can see patterns. Don't let doctors override what you know about yourself.
Hey 30 year old, Raise your rates for whatever work you're doing. You've been working for a bit, probably--you've earned a raise, and the cost of living has probably gone up too. If you get in the habit of adjusting up, it will come more easily each time.
Hey 30 year old, Make a plan and start it. Plans can (and will) change. The important thing is to get started. Don't let inaction become a regret.
Hey 30 year old, If you want kids, stop putting it off. Now is the time to decide. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to keep up with them. If your girlfriend/wife is roughly the same age, now is her best chance to conceive and have healthy children.
Hey 30 year old, You know how you can basically eat anything you want, not exercise and still lose weight? That's about to change. Better to start making small healthier changes now than large, doctor-ordered changes later.
Hey 30 year old, Floss. Every. Day.
Hey 30 year old, By now you have probably failed at something. You have to pick yourself up and know that there are better things in store. Valuable lessons come from things that don’t work. Get back on the damn horse already and try something different.
Hey 30 year old, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise
Hey 30 year old, You're not too late to start learning something new. We can always grow to be better at anything. Talent just measures how easy it is for something new to stick but without effort, talent doesn't generate skill. And success is skill times effort.
Hey 30 year old, save your money
Hey 30 year old, If you haven't already, start saving for retirement. If your job has a matching plan, max it out. If not, open a 401k and direct deposit to it. It can be 20 bucks a month, just do it. I'm serious.
Hey 30 year old, You will never look better than in your 30s, enjoy it. If you have a career you like, start pushing yourself to advance. If you haven't found the right career, still plenty of time. If you're married and are thinking about kids, do it now, don't wait
Hey 30 year old, Listen to audiobooks of all those big intimidating works that scared you off as a kid. War and Peace is worth every hour.
Hey 30 year old, maintain your relationships. You might be adventurous enough to want to move your career to a new country. Or focused enough to bury your head in your work. But remember to put down roots.
Hey 30 year old, Do you really need to be the youngest partner/managing-director/leader at the firm? You can wait three or five more years, but finding love is a lot more uncertain and cannot be neglected.
Hey 30 year old, Start taking care of yourself, you are at the point where bad habits start to calcify in your body.