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What I Wish I Knew At Age 13

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 13. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 13 year old, Take care of your teeth. If you don't, you'll end up losing your gums and your enamel, and those don’t grow back. Once they're gone, they’re gone forever.
Hey 13 year old, 4 years from now you'll look back and realize how small everything you worried about was. the world is bigger than you and your problems, and everything that matters now won't as much in the future.
Hey 13 year old, I know life can be unfair and hard, but stick around. It mightn't seem like it sometimes, but life is worth living! Just try to focus on the small things and enjoy those little moments. Sometimes in life it's the little things that make you smile ❤❤❤
Hey 13 year old, hey, I see that special interest of yours. Some people may call it weird, stupid, ugly or other negative things like that.. but not me. I think it's really cool! Pursue your passions and stay true to yourself! <33
Hey 13 year old, guess what? I'm 13 too. I know it can be tough, life seems to turn around and treat you different at this age, but y'know what? Don't listen to whatever negative thoughts cross your mind, or what anybody else says. Live life at it's fullest!
Hey 13 year old, that shirt looks stunning on you ;)
Hey 13 year old, I don't know who here needs this, but I want you to promise me that you will never kill yourself. I know, it's a big promise to make, and sometimes it may be hard to keep, but please promise me that. Someone out there will miss you; I know it.
Hey 13 year old, Write. When you get up in the morning, write down what’s in your head. Whatever it is get it out. This practice will change your life.
Hey 13 year old, What you post on social media now, follows you. If you would cringe at it in the future don't post it now. (please I am begging you.)
Hey 13 year old, Write down three things your grateful for every day. Could be the wind on your face or whatever. They say you can’t be grateful and angry at the same time.
Hey 13 year old, Learn some self-defense. This may come in handy if someone tries to take advantage of you.
Hey 13 year old, don’t let anyone tell you that your goal in life is unreasonable and doesn’t meet expectations, because if you really set your mind to something you can absolutely do whatever you want to do!
Hey 13 year old, stop thinking about him/her, you are worth it and always remember what Dori said "When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do... just keep swimming"
Hey 13 year old, Make your bed. Get that bed made when you get up. Making your bed first thing leads on to a good solid start for the day. It seems weird but believe me; this small thing will help you start your day on the right track.
Hey 13 year old, Don’t spend too many hours of your life wearing high heels. Your feet will be sad and ugly when you’re older if you do this.
Hey 13 year old, it's okay to not be okay. just talk to someone about and i promise it gets better
Hey 13 year old, Have a strong handshake. A weak handshake is so very disappointing.
Hey 13 year old, Don’t wear too much makeup. Your real face needs to be seen. Compliment it with some eyeliner or whatever works. Just don’t be that person covered in makeup.
Hey 13 year old, Avoid following the crowd. It doesn’t work. Real friends don’t need to be followed. Do your own thing and settle with the friends you find.
Hey 13 year old, dont do sexual things honestly not worth it unless you want to it is natural dont let anyone go against that but dont givw out your info or go for older people
Hey 13 year old, Uni may or may not make sense. Do it for the right reasons. Only go if you’re passionate about what you’re studying.
Hey 13 year old, Bullying will stop!
Hey 13 year old, If you get tattoos, wait until you’re 30. You’ll be wiser after your twenties.
Hey 13 year old, Exercise. Keep the body moving. Make this a habit for as long as is possible. You’ll live longer and feel better for it.
Hey 13 year old, Stand up when an adult enters the room, look them in the eye and say hello. This is grown up manners and is so valuable.
Hey 13 year old, Sou uma pessoa estressada
Hey 13 year old, Titties hurt...
Hey 13 year old, You were really a little shit back then. Relax, you have absolutely no one to impress, they all know you already.
Hey 13 year old, Try many different things, you may get a hobby and become good on that what you love
Hey 13 year old, Start thinking about the future. It’ll benefit you in the long run