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What I Wish I Knew At Age 16

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 16. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 16 year old, If you're in love with a friend, you tell them that, and they don't say "yes" back, their response means "no".
Hey 16 year old, It’s okay if you don’t know what love is like yet. There’s nothing wrong with you. Your own definition will come in time, trust me.
Hey 16 year old, If the person you like turns you down, don't keep trying. "There are plenty of fish in the sea" and rejection is a part of life. Plus, you have to respect your crush's choices; they know what they want.
Hey 16 year old, If you're having sex at this age, it's okay. You are still beautiful, worthy, and good.
Hey 16 year old, University /college isn’t for everyone. You can make a good life for yourself without going through further education
Hey 16 year old, Figure out where you're going. You're young now and have lots of time. Figure out what you love and how you can do build a career out of it. If you don't love anything, start exploring. Now is the time.
Hey 16 year old, Make the most of the time you have now with your closest friends
Hey 16 year old, Stop worrying about others. Focus on yourself.
Hey 16 year old, a good way to grow out of your insecurities and thoughts of inadequacy is to focus on your strength. And realize that others care about your insecurities as much as you care about theirs.
Hey 16 year old, take some time to find your passions. Deeply explore hobbies and things you find super interesting. Read about that weird thing you've liked for as long as you can remember. Learn something you've always wanted to learn.
Hey 16 year old, Be free
Hey 16 year old, Igor
Hey 16 year old, when thinking of what you want to do later, think first to what you are talented for before thinking of what you love.
Hey 16 year old, Learn how to study, not everything will always come easily
Hey 16 year old, this is just a casual reminder that, whether you choose higher education or not, high school drama disappears really quick when you walk the stage. Try your hardest to make and secure friendships and don't sweat people that don't like you.
Hey 16 year old, Before you decide on college, really understand what it is you want out of it. I went to community college to get my AA and then spent another 3 years attending a state university. I wish I had taken the time to research and think first.
Hey 16 year old, Be honest and proud of who you are. Your life will end up for the better.
Hey 16 year old, don't worry about being cool in high school. All your close friends will be people after high school that actually share your interests. It's a training ground to make mistakes and be embarrassed, none of it will matter once you leave.
Hey 16 year old, Start working out now, and by the time your 20 you will have 5 years of being in the best shape of anyone around you, and be in good standing to be healthy for the next 40 years of your life.
Hey 16 year old, Start coming up with career ideas you can do despite your health issues. You aren’t defined by them, you are so much more.
Hey 16 year old, Love yourself. Make yourself happy and other people will want to be around you. Real relationships will come when you stop trying so damn hard.
Hey 16 year old, Life gets a hell of a lot more complicated...but so does your ability to handle it. Everything that stresses you out, hurts you, makes you struggle or just seems a bit's making you stronger and making the next time easier.
Hey 16 year old, “Blue balls” is not fatal. If a guy tries to you that as an excuse to pressure you into something you’re not comfortable with, he’s not worth your time
Hey 16 year old, Grades aren't everything, that boyfriend/girlfriend will be a lesson you learn from in the future, be open-minded, don't let yourself be walked on or belittled by ANYONE. Start exploring yourself and be yourself unapologetically
Hey 16 year old, You don't need to drink or party, it is okay to stay home and it can be really healing!
Hey 16 year old, if you come to a point where you’re about to leave someone and something is telling you to do it. Leave him while you can. it will go down hill.
Hey 16 year old, You really should ask that girl out. Basically all my crushes in high school liked me back, but I never thought that they would. Nobody is out of your league. Rejection hurts at first but life does not end afterwards.
Hey 16 year old, Eu gostaria saber que não vale a pena gastar dinheiro com pessoas que não fariam o mesmo por vc
Hey 16 year old, You don't have to be like other people, you don't have to choose the college that everyone chooses ... Choose the one that makes you happy, choose the one that gives you the opportunity to do what you want!
Hey 16 year old, Opa tudo bom? Vc lembra de 2019? Um dos melhores anos da sua vida? Espero q vc tenha tomado juízo e um banho tbm pq eu tô sentindo seu fedor daqui kkkkkk