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What I Wish I Knew At Age 16

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 16. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 16 year old, If something you're studying is difficult to understand, use the Feynman technique. Explain it in your own words or using pictures, diagrams and technical definitions. Try to teach it to someone else. It will organize your thoughts. Look it up.
Hey 16 year old, Sir main kya karu
Hey 16 year old, One major sign of manipulation is when people try to create conflict between people who should trust each other, by making up lies about the other person. Look up "triangulation (psychology)," for example. This is to isolate you and trap you.
Hey 16 year old, If you want to feel less hungry all the time, look up "high satiety foods," or food that make you feel full more easily. For example, boiled potatoes, eggs, oatmeal, fish, soup, greek yogurt, vegetables, cottage cheese, legumes, nuts and more.
Hey 16 year old, Scientifically, even a 10 minute walk has a lot of major benefits already, not just to the body, but to one's mood and brain. If hard physical exercise seems hard to maintain, at least begin with a short walk daily. You can listen to music too.
Hey 16 year old, If you need help researching something for school, look up "research websites for students," or "tips on Google" (yes, there are a lot of hidden tips beyond the obvious) that can really, really, really help with extra credit and all. Good luck.
Hey 16 year old, Mental illness is not something to brag about or is a sign of lovable quirkiness. It's not a type of disease you idealize, as much as people shouldn't idealize cancer. Look up "romanticization of mental illnesses," on YouTube for more.
Hey 16 year old, Watch videos on Youtube on common movie tropes and stereotypes like the black guy/girl who dies first, the gay best friend, the magical negro, the nerdy Asian kid, the sassy black woman, the dumb blond girl, the dumb jock, and more to examine it all.
Hey 16 year old, If you want a free easy way to relax, look up "mindfulness activities for teens." Mindfulness is a way to become more present so you don't worry too much about the past or the future. If it's too hard, look up "mindfulness games for teens."
Hey 16 year old, If you need guidance on how to take care of yourself and how to learn to love yourself, look up "self care for teens," or even "advice for teenage depression," and "advice for teenage anxiety," if you struggle with that yourself.
Hey 16 year old, Sometimes the most sexist people are people of your own gender, not the opposite gender. Women get complaints from other women that they're not "feminine enough," and men get told by men to "man up," when they cry. Don't neglect this.
Hey 16 year old, Other than getting classic self defense items online, look up some self defense moves for women to try, if you feel unsafe on the streets or even in your own neighborhood. Check out self defense moves from YouTube too, for some ideas.
Hey 16 year old, If you're black/brown, and police approach you, put your hands up and say "I have the right to remain silent." Do not run away or you might get killed. Any arguments you have, ask a lawyer later. Anything you say can be used against you.
Hey 16 year old, It's okay to leave some friends behind, or anyone else who is causing pain in your life whatsoever. Sometimes, unlike in the movies, not everyone makes up in the end, and that's okay. Friends come and go. Some stay. Most leave.
Hey 16 year old, If you're the artistic type, know that writing poetry or even reading poetry can help you make sense of your emotions. Look up the website Family Friend Poems for example, Button Poetry on YouTube, or the Ted-Ed poem playlist.
Hey 16 year old, If you've never got to experience having a good mom or dad, or even have one of those at all, look up the subreddits /r/dadforaminute or /r/momforaminute, to have some substitute moms/dads around to ask advice from.
Hey 16 year old, If you like Reddit and you want some content to cheer you up, look up /r/Upliftingnews, /r/Humansbeingbros, /r/Mademesmile, /r/Wholesomememes, /r/aww, /r/eyebleach, /r/awwducational, /r/animalsbeingbros, /r/photoshop battles and more.
Hey 16 year old, How much you would be if you had to define your worth through money? If you say it's anything but priceless, then you're going to need to receive some kind of worth. Even if you know, people can't be bought and sold, do you act that way?
Hey 16 year old, Here's a simple visualization to add to deep breathing exercises (look up "how to do deep breathing," for more details.) Slowly breathe in love, and breathe out stress. Add any colors if it helps. For example, breathe in white and breathe out black.
Hey 16 year old, Here's a simple visualization to add to deep breathing exercises (look up "how to do deep breathing," for more details.) Breathe in peace, and breathe out frustration or sadness. Breathe in the color pink, breathe out red or blue (anger/sadness).
Hey 16 year old, Whatever social issues you like to talk about on the internet, study the history of that social issue, from older times to more recent times. Frequent visits to Wikipedia is recommended.
Hey 16 year old, If you always tend to disagree, learn to find things you have in common with a person before disagreeing. Some debates matter, if someone is immoral, but not all debates matter.
Hey 16 year old, People who haven't been in contact with you for a long time aren't necessarily trying to hurt you. Many people are just depressed, and they've lost contact with their friends.
Hey 16 year old, Quiet people aren't necessarily being arrogant or convinced they are better than other people, sometimes they're just shy and looking awkward makes them look bad.
Hey 16 year old, People aren't necessarily not interested in talking to you if they lack eye contact. It could mean social anxiety, autism, cultural differences, other anxiety disorders, and more.
Hey 16 year old, Not everyone wants to party during specific holidays or even their birthdays. It's okay to have a chill quiet celebration, of whatever the day is celebrating. It's fine. Don't force parties.
Hey 16 year old, Contrary to societal expectations, mental health and happiness increases with age according to scientific studies. If you feel horrible these days, know things get better as you get older.
Hey 16 year old, If people always come to you to listen to your problems, know it's because they just want to be listened to. You don't have to offer a solution to their problems, or advice. It's OK.
Hey 16 year old, In hard times, learn to appreciate the small pleasures of life, and count the little things you have over what you lost. It won't fix everything, but it will keep you moving forward.
Hey 16 year old, If you struggle with negative thoughts, learn to "reframe your negative thoughts." (Look up this phrase online.) How would a more optimistic person see the same situation?