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What I Wish I Knew At Age 16

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 16. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 16 year old, Those hurtful things you say to your parents will come back to haunt you when you're older. It hurts them more than you think.
Hey 16 year old, Try to keep your things private even from your close ones .
Hey 16 year old, What percentage in class 10
Hey 16 year old, I want money to buy thing like clothes shoes cars and bikes
Hey 16 year old, If you have trouble getting motivated for something, whether it's trying to win as an athlete or passing with flying colors, look p "inspirational videos," "motivational videos," and "inspirational speeches," or "motivational speeches" on YouTube.
Hey 16 year old, WHAT should be do in my couerir
Hey 16 year old, you don't have to live up to anyone's expectations. You parents love you even if you are not perfect.
Hey 16 year old, Take it from a fellow "high achiever" - Grades may feel like the most important thing right now, but make sure you take some time to relax and enjoy this time. Years from now you won't remember what you got on a test or quiz.
Hey 16 year old, It's ok not to be perfect at something. The point is that you tried and that was the best that you could do. Give yourself a high-five because you put forth the effort and did it.
Hey 16 year old, You should take better care of your teeth while you're living with your parents because they're paying for your dental care!
Hey 16 year old, Just live life to the fullest. Trust your gut even though others disagree. Once you get older, you can never be 16 again.
Hey 16 year old, Make the most of the time you have now with your closest friends
Hey 16 year old, Figure out where you're going. You're young now and have lots of time. Figure out what you love and how you can do build a career out of it. If you don't love anything, start exploring. Now is the time.
Hey 16 year old, University /college isn’t for everyone. You can make a good life for yourself without going through further education
Hey 16 year old, How do you 'fit in'? I know that I'm not skilled at socializing, but some of my friends said I am. I think I'm not because I don't have a lot of friends and most people at my class dislike me. I just want to be average. Is it wrong to change myself?
Hey 16 year old, If you're having sex at this age, it's okay. You are still beautiful, worthy, and good.
Hey 16 year old, If the person you like turns you down, don't keep trying. "There are plenty of fish in the sea" and rejection is a part of life. Plus, you have to respect your crush's choices; they know what they want.
Hey 16 year old, It’s okay if you don’t know what love is like yet. There’s nothing wrong with you. Your own definition will come in time, trust me.
Hey 16 year old, Slow the f#@% down. So many people die in car accidents. Don’t let it be you, your passenger or a stranger in another car.
Hey 16 year old, If you're in love with a friend, you tell them that, and they don't say "yes" back, their response means "no".
Hey 16 year old, Try to start saving some money. It's harder to get in the habit as you get older, and you only start after you get back on your feet after desperately needing it. Get ahead of the game.
Hey 16 year old, You don't need a boyfriend or Girlfriend to be cool. You still rock and deserve to be happy with anyone you choose.
Hey 16 year old, start saving for your driving licence. makeup, bikes, everything like that can wait, your licence is your freedom.
Hey 16 year old, Don't worry about getting into a relationship. You're too young to have to worry about that stuff.
Hey 16 year old, if you’re feeling down, like you’re drowning, like the world is too much, reach out. People care. Maybe your parents aren’t the best people to talk to, but trust me there are others out there who understand how you’re feeling. Don’t do this alone.
Hey 16 year old, It’s ok to cut people out, it’s normal but what is NOT NORMAL is if they hurt and abuse your feelings. Cut those people out!
Hey 16 year old, if you come to a point where you’re about to leave someone and something is telling you to do it. Leave him while you can. it will go down hill.
Hey 16 year old, You don't need to drink or party, it is okay to stay home and it can be really healing!
Hey 16 year old, The next few years of your life is going to be pivotal. The divergence between the life you'll live and the live you could have had is dependent on whether you set goals and go on to achieve them. Don't float through life waiting for tomorrow.
Hey 16 year old, do everything in your power to avoid a police record, it follows you forever