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What I Wish I Knew At Age 18

Here's everything everyone wish they knew at the age of 18. If it's good advice, hit the upvote button. The number next to it indicates the age the author wrote it at. Feel like there's something missing? Add a new message!

Hey 18 year old, This Is ua age to do something for u not to waste ua tym on finding ua soulmate
Hey 18 year old, Help me
Hey 18 year old, When moving out on your own, always remember to buy a toilet plunger for your new place. You won't think of it until you NEED it, and by then it is far, far too late.
Hey 18 year old, I lost my friend
Hey 18 year old, How to become photography career ??
Hey 18 year old, Take your mental health seriously. (If you can afford a therapist, see one, even if you are doing well! They can help keep you in the best shape possible.) You have to live with yourself, so make sure it's the healthiest self you can have.
Hey 18 year old, Go to community college before going to a private school. Get those gen ed credits out of the way and you won't be chained to more debt than you can conceptualize.
Hey 18 year old, If you're not an English native speaker, learn it now and learn it well. You will get a huge advantage for your later career.
Hey 18 year old, Don't be afraid to follow your dreams. Study major you will use in the future, not the one easy to get
Hey 18 year old, 18
Hey 18 year old, Enjoy the life...
Hey 18 year old, Don’t drop out from school, you will regret it.
Hey 18 year old, When you at this age, explore as much as you can.
Hey 18 year old, Successful
Hey 18 year old, Don't waste all your time. Study now.
Hey 18 year old, Carrier advice
Hey 18 year old, Study Hard
Hey 18 year old, Your fears, your critics, your heroes, your villains: They are ficitions you perceive as reality. Choose to see through them. Choose to let them go ♡
Hey 18 year old, Learn, walk, drink, develop. Do what you won't do at 30. Youth forgives EVERYTHING!
Hey 18 year old, .
Hey 18 year old, Don't be too harsh to yourself always remember there's no one to fix you but yourself
Hey 18 year old, Advice for carrier
Hey 18 year old, Love your life like you want to, not like how they want you to
Hey 18 year old, No matter what changes your life goes through, if you know who you are, you'll adapt and be ok (it takes time). Be open to the idea that there's more to life than where you've been; even if change sucks now, there are good things on the other side.
Hey 18 year old, create your own timeline, modify it as you wish, and never let anyone rush you with their timelines. Do what you love, love what you do.
Hey 18 year old, I want to be a man of values
Hey 18 year old, Give me advice what should I do at age of 18
Hey 18 year old, Be kind,be spiritually good as much as you can
Hey 18 year old, It's good to take however much time you need to stop working and think about who you are, what you want to do, and if the path you're currently on (or considering starting down) is what you want to do and is in line with your values.
Hey 18 year old, “The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad